The Islamic Republic of Mauritania is a resources rich country which look back on several years of significant economic growth driven by revenues from the extractives sector.

Despite the robust economic growth and the reduction of poverty the country is still faced with socio economic challenges. In addition, Mauritania must manage a wise pivot in the energy transition to lower carbon technologies and renewable energy, away from coal and oil. Therefore, the selection and negotiation of appropriate investment projects are of significance to ensure that the oil and gas sector could bring more than just fiscal benefits to the people of Mauritania.

Mauritania has a wealth of potential for new oil and gas indigenous onshore and offshore reserves to be monetised for which there exist a craving demand.  The World Bank Group has therefore provided a technical assistance grant to the Government of Mauritania (Grant No. IDA D2730-MR) to develop a medium- and long-term oil and gas master plan for the government to:

  • Advance negotiations to final investment decision (FID) within the oil and gas sector;
  • Develop a foundation for legal and regulatory frameworks within Mauritania’s oil and gas sector;
  • Contribute towards sector growth through creating awareness for project development investments;
  • Ensure environmental and social protection measures are taken into consideration to contribute towards a sustainable oil and gas sector;
  • Create national energy security to improve the county’s GDP; and
  • Support with institutional capacity building.

Services provided:

  • Definition of stakeholder management framework;
  • Define, assess and recommend monetization options for the oil and gas sector;
  • Conduct oil and gas supply and demand assessment;
  • Conduct oil and gas infrastructure assessment;
  • Conduct social and environmental assessment;
  • Evaluate and prioritize infrastructure project and develop a road map for implementation;
  • Develop a skill transfer plan and train ministerial resources and transfer skills during course of project