Providing services to support Lutramart Oil in providing a market and bankable feasibility  study to assist with developing a scope and business case for Lubrication Production Facility in South Africa

Services provided:

  • Technical Support : Utilize client provided market study to determine the technical requirements of a lubricant plant. EPCM engaged with technology suppliers and determined which supplier provided the best solutions for the client
  • Plot plan development : EPCM developed a full plot plan for the client along with high-level operation management plan
  • Technical Design development: Develop basic process and mechanical engineering designs for the facility
  • Cost Estimation: EPCM developed a 30% Capital and Operational Cost estimate for the project
  • Business Case development: EPCM developed a business case for Lubramart determined the feasibility as well as scalability of the plant
  • Legal Register compilation: EPCM developed a legal registration report listing and describing the legal requirements for construction as well as operation of the plant in South Africa