EWURA on behalf of TPDC contracted EPCM consultants SA (Pty) Ltd to perform a Study on Commercial, Technical and Market Analysis of Domestic and Regional Markets for Natural Gas. EPCM Consultants consulted with domestic GoT institutions, research institutions, the private sector and conducted a rigorous review of various relevant documents to provide EWURA/TPDC with a final report identifying the possible future domestic and regional markets for natural gas and the feasibility of the projects that will enable the gas supply to these markets. The current natural gas reserves should be compared with the domestic and regional demands identified. Further the current and planned infrastructure needs to be assessed for feasibility to improve the total utilization of the natural gas reserves of Tanzania.

Government of Tanzania (GoT) needs to develop capacity to fully exploit the large discoveries of natural gas in Tanzania’s offshore waters, which make the country a potential global player/producer in the natural gas sector. Proven natural gas resources in the country stand at 57.25 trillion cubic feet, as of May 2016. Based on these resources, GoT has continued promoting a mega Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project, to be jointly implemented by a consortium comprising the 6 major oil companies active in deep-waters gas exploration.

In terms of gas infrastructure development, GoT acting through TPDC has invested and commissioned a 36 inch diameter, 542 km long gas transportation pipeline from both Mnazi Bay and Songo Songo natural gas fields in order to cope with the demand for gas. The capacity of the pipeline is 784 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd) and can be increased to 1,002 MMscfd by employing compression when the demand requires doing so. The pipeline project was implemented in parallel with two processing plants, 210 MMscfd at Madimba for processing Mnazi Bay natural gas and a 140 MMscfd at Songo Songo for processing Songo Songo natural gas.

The present capacity of the gas delivery system is 350 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (mmscf/d) and it is capable of being expanded to 784 mmscf/d. In 1982 another gas field was discovered in Mnazi Bay in Mtwara with proven gas reserves of 400 bcf. The field has been developed for power generation in Mtwara and Lindi regions. In addition, the government is looking in a number of opportunities to commercialize the gas including, developing large power generation plants using gas, manufacture of petrochemicals, and developing infrastructure to connect the reserves with the major market such as Dar es Salaam, Tanga, Arusha, Morogoro and Dodoma.

Services Provided:

  • Commercial and Market Analysis for Natural gas
  • Evaluation of Gas utilisation Options
  • Evaluation of CNG and LNG as interim supply for a pipeline
  • Preliminary pipeline route study
  • Pipeline Technical Design
  • Financial & Economic Evaluation